If you encounter unexpected results when searching for styles to add to an order, then the retailer’s or order’s current settings may cause this. Not available in XXX currency or No matches found in this linesheet appear when certain details of your desired styles clash with that of the retailer or the order.
Not Available in XXX Currency
When starting an order for a retailer, styles on a chosen linesheet may display Not Available in XXX Currency under Wholesale and Retail price section. This means that the price type for the individual styles on the linesheet is not a price type that the selected retailer is currently connected with.
If you’d like the retailer to be connected with the same price type as those styles that are not appearing, you’ll need to add this price type to the retailer’s Currencies located in their Customer Specific Data. You can learn how to do that here.
No Matches In This Linesheet
When trying to add a style from a linesheet to an existing order you may encounter the message No matches found in this linesheet. This means that the style you’re looking to add to the order is set for a different division than the styles currently on the order.
Once an order is placed with a style that has a division set, you can only add styles from that same division. You can edit a style’s division.