Under My Settings, you can easily access and update your account information including your username, email address, default language, date format, and reset your password. This is where all your user and business information is defined for your JOOR account.
My Settings
My JOOR Account
Navigate to ‘My Settings’ option under the Gear Icon to access your Joor Account information.
You can easily access and update your account information including your username, email address, default language, date format, and reset your password. This is where all your user and business information is defined for your JOOR account.
- Username: View or update the username that you use to login to JOOR.
- User Profile: View or update your Display Name, Title, Phone Number, and Profile Picture.
- Email: View or update the email associated with your JOOR account.
- Languages: Set your preferred default Languages from the drop-down language options.
- Password: Reset your account password.
- Email Settings: Control what emails you get.
- Default Connection request Message: Set your default connection request message.
- Date Format: Select a default Date Format to appear on the web and iPad Apps (choose from drop down options - mm/dd/yyyy, dd/mm/yyyy & yyyy/mm/dd).
- Landing Page: Customize your default homepage (choose from drop down options - Home, My connections, Orders, Styles, Data submission Portal).
Brand Account Information
The settings that appear under your Brand Account section, are the business details for your account. Here you’ll be able to edit your brand name, account email, privacy settings, and more.