Lite Brands will now have access to an elevated linesheet list page with enhanced abilities and new bulk actions. This feature will significantly improve the UI of our current linesheet list page and provide more flexibility, allowing you to manage your linesheets faster and easier.
What’s New?
Enhanced UI
- A new look and feel to the linesheet list page
- Linesheet information will be presented in newly added columns (visibility, created date, last modified date, owner field, favourites, and actions)
- You will now be able to easily search and filter your listed linesheets
- Creating a new linesheet will be easily accessible on the linesheet list page
Bulk Actions
- Bulk Actions gives you the ability to export, archive, delete, set visibility and update positions of your linesheets
- Filter by Linesheet Name: You can filter by typing in a linesheet’s name.
- It’s a free text field that will update the linesheet list page once you press enter to apply the filter
- Filter by Created Date: You can filter for linesheets by the date they were created, using either a specific or a date range.
- Specific Date - Will display a calendar modal for you to select a specific date. Once the date is selected the list page will update.
- Date Range - Will display two calendar modals, allowing you to select a start and end date. Once the date range is selected, the linesheet list page will update
- Filter by Last Modified: You can filter for linesheets by the last time they were modified using either a specific or ranged date
- Filter by Owner: You can filter the linesheet list page by linesheet owner (creator)
- It’s a free text field that will update the linesheet list page once you press enter to apply the filter
- Filter by Favourite: You can filter by your favourited and unfavourited linesheets
- Filled in star - Favourited linesheets
- Not filled in star - Not favourited linesheets
Search Bar
- Allows for fuzzy search for linesheet name
- If filters are applied, search will only apply to the filtered linesheet
Linesheet List Page Columns
- Linesheet Name - Name of the linesheet
- Created Date - Date the linesheet was created
- Last Modified Date - The date when the linesheet was last edited
- Owner - The creator of the linesheet
- If a linesheet was uploaded from an integration or by JDT, the owner will be listed as “Other”
- Favourites - You can click the star icon to indicate your favourite linesheets
- Filled in star - favourited
- Empty star - not favourited
- Users can sort every column on the linesheet list page by ascending/descending order by clicking the headers
Linesheet Specific Actions
- There will be a three dot menu listed for each linesheet allowing you to perform linesheet specific actions:
- Edit: lets you edit any of your linesheet details
- Rename: gives you the ability to rename your linesheet
- Export: lets you export the linesheet via the Export Linesheet Modal
- Archive: allows you to archive the linesheet
- Delete: permanently deletes the linesheet
- Set Visibility: lets you update linesheet visibility
- Rename option will be greyed out for linesheets uploaded by a brand’s integration