Once you have finalized your order details, you can share the order with your retailer for review by selecting one of the three statuses:
- Note: Allows you to make further adjustments and add comments before finalizing.
- Pending: Indicates that the order is awaiting review and potential modifications by the retailer.
- Approved: Confirms that the order is finalized and ready for processing, with no further changes allowed by the retailer.
- In an order with the status set to 'Note,' you've recorded styles for your retailer.
- While you may have entered quantities by style and color, it's not required to include quantities to save the order as a Note.
- Once a Note order is sent to the retailer, the buyer can make edits on their end before sending it back to you for approval.
- In an order marked as 'Pending,' you've selected and added quantities for each style and color.
- Once the order is sent to the retailer, they can make changes by updating the order status to 'Notes.'
- After the retailer completes a pending order, it is considered submitted and awaits your approval.
Note: Retailers can edit a Pending order by switching the Order status to Notes. This feature allows retailers to make changes directly, eliminating the need to ask the Brand for adjustments before submitting the Order for approval.
- In an order with the status set to 'Approved,' you've selected and added quantities for each style and color that the retailer has already confirmed.
- Once sent to the retailer, they won't be able to make any changes to the order.
- If some brand users lack the permission to move an order to 'Approved,' please contact your account admin to approve the order.
Note: If the retailer wants to edit an Approved order, they will need to notify you to change the order status back to Notes.
Next Steps
After selecting an Order Status, you can include a custom message to the buyer before sending the order.
Once an order with any of the statuses (Note, Pending, or Approved) is updated, it will move from the Cart to the Order List Page.
When a retailer receives a Notes order, they can:
- Access the order from the Order List Page
- View and edit the order details
- Add comments
- Modify the product selection
- Add/Edit Contacts
Once a retailer receives an Approved order, they will only be able to add comments or download the order confirmation.