This feature within the "Manage orders" tab, allows you to assign orders to retailers! This can be used to re-assign orders that are currently assigned to one of your connections, or to assign orders created on the iPad to existing retailers on JOOR. This will allow your retailers to access their orders, as well as allow you to enter in customer codes!
On the Order List Page, you will now see a yellow indicator on each order that is unassigned, or not yet linked to a retailer. When you hover over the yellow indicator you will see a message that the order needs to be assigned.
Video Tutorial
View the 'Only Unassigned Orders'
To view the unassigned orders, filter by Only Unassigned Orders under the Search & Filter section of the Order List page. To do this, check off the ‘Only Unassigned Orders’ checkbox in the search and filter pane.
How to Assign Orders to a Retail Account?
- Check off the order(s) on the Order List page
- Click on Actions
- Select Assign Retailer Account
- Select an existing retailer connection by typing the name
- Click Assign to assign an order to the existing connection
Note 1: If you are a sales rep assigned to specific geographic regions, you will only be able to see retailers from your assigned regions.
Note 2: If you are unable to edit approved/shipped orders you will only be able to assign retailers to notes/pending orders.
Note 3: If you want to connect with a retailer that does not have a JOOR account yet, please connect with support@joor.com for assistance.
To learn more about assigning orders to new and existing connections, read this article.